Thursday, August 11, 2016

BB18 Veto Recap "He's Just Not That Into You"

           Have you ever gotten the feeling you’ve watched a TV episode before? Not a repeating episode, but an episode that is airing for the first time?  Because that’s all I felt watching last night’s episode. It didn’t bring anything new to the table and just continued themes that have been going on for the entire season. You’ll see what I mean as we jump on in to game talk.
                                                      Pre-Veto Game Talk

1                                   1. The main focus of this episode would be the disagreement between Paul and Paulie, “PP” as they call themselves, over whether Zakiyah or Michelle should go home this week. For starters, with an alliance name that sounds like it was chosen by 5 year old boys, this was doomed from the start. “PP” really? Next they are going to call themselves “DoDo”. But, anyway I digress.

            King Paulie, having had everything else goes his way, pretty much demands that Zakiyah stay and Michelle goes. Does he use any logic to get this to happen? No. He just expects Paul to agree anyway. Paul gets super skeeved and starts saying how this makes Paulie look selfish after Paulie had said he would be okay with Zakiyah going. I want to smack him upside the head. Really, just now you think Paulie is being selfish? Not when he was controlling every other vote? Only this one??? Man, Paul, that beard must be blocking your eyes from any gameplay going on. The seeds for discontent in this relationship have been planted.
          2.   No other real game talk occurred during the vote. Michelle was still bawling over Victor’s rude speech for most of the episode, barely getting enough air in before she lets out that its strange Victor didn’t put up Paulie. For those who don’t remember, when Paulie was HOH he pretended to form an alliance with Victor and then back doored him causing Victor to be evicted. Paulie not going on the block cemented to Michelle that he must have been doing some manipulating behind the scenes.  Michelle suffers from “DaVonne Syndrome”. She made this very astute observation, but how she presented this information lacked good execution.

                3. The last thing I want to talk about before the veto is Zakiyah and Paulie. She, still for some reason thinking they are the real deal, asked him to use the veto on her. After a pause long enough to worry anyone with a brain, he agrees to if she picks him to play. Zakiyah does. At first, this angered me at how naive she was to buy into his lies and pick him. However, once I thought about it more, it’s not like she had any other options.  No one else would’ve even remotely tried to take her off either. Now as for what I think about their relationship… I’ll get to that in a bit.
The Veto Competition
               So this veto comp was basically hide and go seek, but with veto markers instead of people. The houseguest would hide their marker and try to find the others. The last veto marker that remained hidden would win, and the houseguest that hid that marker would get the power of veto. I have issues with this set up for the competition. It basically means that you could suck during the finding portion and still win based on luck. In order for it to be more well-rounded, I think it should be decided by points. You’d get points both for how long your veto went not found, and whether you found any veto markers. Basically, Nicole and Victor found all of the markers. Paulie found one. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have won. But, Nicole should’ve gotten something for being the 2nd to last to have her veto found and having been one of the few people finding veto markers. 

      The “you’re an idiot” moment for this competition goes to……..

      JAMES for the second time in a row. This isn’t because he performed poorly persay, but because he is an idiot. Instead of trying to find vetos, he spent the time trashing the house. For all you neat freaks out there, I suggest you skip this paragraph. He was opening shut bags of food and throwing them on the floor, breaking eggs, throwing pans around, anything he could to make a mess. The worst part was that he had no game reason for doing it. He thought he was being “cute” and “funny”. Well guess what buddy? If one of the girls had won the veto, your small butt would’ve ended up on the block and likely evicted because you pissed people off.

Post Veto Game Talk
                        1.       So this is the segment where I am going to talk about Paulie and Zakiyah. At this point, I can’t even feel bad for the girl. She acts surprised when he basically alludes to her that he isn’t going to use the veto. Because if “the queen” isn’t going home, apparently she should stay on the front lines to protect “the king”. The sad part is, she doesn’t even challenge him on this. She just nods her head and probably cuddled with him less than an hour later. How does she even still tolerate him when he’s done nothing but show how little she means to him? Even my dad agreed with me that if you are in Paulie’s shoes and you care about your “queen” you take her off of the block. Now, I might excuse Zakiyah if this was only the first sign that he was a scumbag. But, he has given plenty, and each and every time she goes back to him. I’m not blaming her for how he treats her. But, any woman with self-respect would’ve dropped him a while ago, and it’s sad that she doesn’t have enough confidence to see that.

                     Paulie, as expected, goes on to not use the power of veto. Michelle indignantly states that she will wreak havoc on Paulie’s game. While I can’t stand Michelle, I want her to succeed. 

Worst Player Of The Episode
                      Zakiyah, for all of the reasons already stated.

Best Player Of The Episode

                 Paulie still wins this one by default. However, I can see that starting to change. My biggest gripe with him, that made me almost give this to someone else, was him winning the veto. He had absolutely NO reason to win that veto, which he obviously tried to by putting the veto where he did. Winning the veto only cemented his status as a threat and caused drama with Zakiyah that didn’t even need to happen. 

            Here’s a note to any future Big Brother Players: If there is no reason for you to win a competition because you are safe regardless, DON’T.

              Tonight’s the double eviction and I hope you guys enjoy it. I’ll have a blog up on it tomorrow afternoon. If you’re enjoying the blogs or want to see my thoughts on a specific person or thing, don’t hesitate to write up a comment and let me know. Or if you disagree and think someone else should have gotten best or worst player, I'd love to hear your thoughts as well.

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