Hola, mis amigos. It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve
posted. There was no blog posted on Friday because I was busy finishing up life
in the 18th century. We had no internet or cable. It was a full
blown time machine. So yeah, there was no blog. Apologizes for that, but I’m
super excited to be back at UVA and back on the normal schedule for blogging.
They may be posted later than usual, but they wil be posted almost every day. So
cheers to an existence out of an apartment that had 3 landline telephone
collectors and only one cable line.
You know what else felt like the 18th century?
This most recent Big Brother episode. The heterosexual couples formed an
alliance to stay in power, while the non-romantic couple and the 18th
century equivalent of a spinster(Michelle) ended up being in trouble. How did this come to be? Well lets start with
the HOH competition.
So the HOH competition required the houseguests to be able
to hold a button until a voice told them they could go search for rings in the
complete darkness. Whoever collected the most rings in 2 hours won. Natalie
wins the competition after complaining nonstop about her neck. I think her neck
is a euphemism for the pain being around James brings her.
The You Suck Award for this comp goes to…
Michelle. She had an advantage that allowed her to search an
extra time for rings, but wasted it by being eliminated because she let go of
the button. She also predictably cried over this. Then, she was gifted with
America’s care package allowing her to be Co-HOH. I’ll get to that in a second.
Natalie thinks about who she wants upon the block. After
many ditzy thoughts, Natalie decides/is brainwashed by producers to save Nicole
and Corey and out up Paul and Victor. Gamewise, the logic makes sense, but
Natalie didn’t come up with the idea and that angers me. If Paul was able to
manipulate people, the DR should’ve let him do that, not plant seeds in Natalie’s
head to get her to take him out. Paulie also had something to do with it by
planting seeds before his eviction, but that impacted Michelle more than it did
What’s even stupider is that Michelle went along with the
idea to put up Victor and Paul. She says that she can’t trust Paul because he
lied about Davonne going home. Paulie had given her this information. Hello?
Are you seriously basing your gameplay off of information a socipathic liar
tells you? If Paulie told you jumping off a bridge would win you Big Brother,
would you do it? The funny thing is what Paulie told her wasn’t even fully
true. Paul knew Da going home was possible, but his target always was
But alas, Victor and Paul are the nominations and I look
forward to an explosive veto episode.
Best Player of the Episode
The sarcastic persona side of me would like to give this award
to production. But, I can’t so I’ll give it to Nicole for being smart enough to
be production’s pet, as well as trying to work a showmance alliance for as long
as she can before Corey comes out of the closet.
Worst Player of the Episode
Michelle. She could’ve forced Natalie’s hand to get out
Nicole or Corey. Without her support, Natalie would not have been able to
ensure they had the numbers to get out her target. By giving her support,
Michelle gave up an alliance where she’d likely make final 2, for an alliance
where she is the 5th wheel and the most disposable. Horrible
game play all around.
Well that is it for now folks. I'll be back with another post tomorrow about Bachelor In Paradise. If you're enjoying the blog, don't hesitate to let me know, ask any questions, basically whatever you want. I do this mainly for me, but if there is anything I can do to improve the reader experience, let me know.
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