Monday, August 29, 2016

BB18 Recap "Will Karma Be A B?"

     Welcome back everyone to another blog recap of Big Brother! And a very special welcome back goes to Victor for making history as being the first houseguest to return to the game twice! Can I just quickly say thank god?! Anyone else coming back would have been a monumental disappointment. My thoughts go out to Paulie as he is doomed to spend the rest of the summer with girls in jury that hate him. That will be rough. Sucks to suck. You know what else sucks? When your fire alarm decides it wants to be changed at 3:30 in the morning. Yep, that was my life this morning. So if this blog sounds a little discombobulated, that is why.

      As, I’ve already alluded to, the episode started with the joint HOH/jury buyback competition. But during the competition, the show flashes back to a moment that happened a few hours before the live show. Paul decided to instigate a fight with James, Natalie, and Michelle in an attempt to make them paranoid enough to save Victor. It didn’t work, but what it did accomplish was even better. It made Natalie admit out loud and on public that she would have wanted Victor to stay. She said this IN FULL EARSHOT of Corey and Nicole. So consider that final 4 dunzo, all because Paul instigated this fight. Major props to him for cementing himself better in the house when he seemed guaranteed to go this week.

   Now back to the competition, it was the fairly standard wall competition. People hold on to a bar and try to remain standing until everyone else has dropped. Victor wins to come back in, and Nicole guilt trips James into giving her the HOH. Man! How beautiful would it be if James were evicted after he was promised safety in a competition like this? It’s not like he hasn’t done that to other people…….
                                 So the You Suck competition of the award goes to…

Davonne and Zakiyah!

   That’s right, double the award for double the being pathetic. Both of them flat out quit because they couldn’t take it anymore. And then they cry about not being able to do it. But, here’s the thing. This comp is ALL willpower. If you want to stay on, you most likely will. It might be harder for some than others, but if you want to, you outlast many people. So, both are pretty pathetic for their holding hands and jumping off motion. 

After the HOH, only a few key things happened.
11.)    Natalie cried because she realized Nicorey would keep James over her. Like really? James, get a clue, she is not interested in you.
22.)    Corey receives the care package. Egh. I guess the general audience likes dumb showmances.
33.)    Paul and Victor entered into a final 4 with Nicole and Corey. 

So after this, Nicole decides Michelle is her target. She nominates Michelle and then nominates Paul as a pawn. She did this under the pretense of keeping her deal with James. That’s all well and good, but please break it Nicole. Nothing would be sweeter.

                                                        Worst Player of the Episode
    Michelle. Didn’t I just finish telling everyone why Michelle’s nomination last week would bite her in the butt? Well, now we see it bite her in the butt. Nicorey were still around to nominate her, and Paul and Victor are no longer protecting her. All of this she sacrificed for a faux showmance that couldn’t care less about her. Great game. Not. Her only saving grace was that she didn't cry this episode. But, almost everyone else was at top game form except her and Jatalie, and they stayed off the block.
                                                      Best Player of the Episode
Nicole. She found a way to keep her word and get out a player who is a threat to her. THAT’S how you handle nominations when you made a deal. And now she has 2 alliances she can fall back on. She may actually have learned how to play for when she isn’t making out with Corey.

So there you have it, another episode of Big Brother down. Stay tuned to see who will win the veto, and will it be used to screw James over? Pretty please. Pretty please. Pretty please.

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