Thursday, August 18, 2016

BB18 Recap "Zingbot Zings Me To Sleep"

   You know what happens when your Dad posts a big snake picture on Facebook when he knows they scare you? You reinstate your Facebook war. It’s what you do. You know what happens when you finally get Paulie on the block? You make sure he doesn’t win veto. It’s what you do. Both of these have occurred after the newest Big Brother episode, but only one I will elaborate on for this recap. Before I begin, I want to apologize for not having a Bachelor In Paradise recap up for this week. Getting things ready for back to school have bene pretty hectic, but if anyone still wants me to do it, just let me know and I can just put it up this weekend.

   So, we start off the episode with Paulie still crying. Dude, get a grip on your emotions. You sent the current HOH home, if he didn’t nominate you, he would’ve been stupid. Heck, Victor is even giving you a chance to play veto, a chance you didn’t give him. It’s time to put your big boy panties on. The rest of the houseguests now clearly see that the way to get Paulie to lose a comp is to rile him up prior to playing. So Paul comes up with a plan for everyone to gang up on Paulie to get him angry. Now, I don’t agree with this. 1.) Because anger can actually cause people to perform BETTER on certain comps and 2.) Ganging up on anyone, even someone who is as much of a douche-bag as Paulie, is wrong. I get why Paul didn’t want to do it on his own, but I think getting James and Michelle in on it was too much. Michelle, to her credit, did provide us viewers with a funny remark when she flat out tells Paulie that he is the reason he is up. His actions caused him to lose power, not hers. If she hadn’t bullied so much and cried so much prior to this moment, I might actually have ended up liking her. Now, I’m conflicted. I must go back to the therapist I stopped seeing when Paul’s “friendship” stopped bothering me.

       The veto competition begins and it is one of my favorites: zingbot. Before the comp, he “zings” the houseguests with funny, but mean spirited remarks. Here is what he said, and whether I think they were any good.
Michelle: It was a zing aimed at her crying and puking. 6/10. It was the predictable route to take, and because of that, wasn’t that funny.

Paul: Zingbot called him out for his catchphrases of “pissed” and “friendship”, and tells him that he has a new phrase for him: “shut the f*** up.” 10/10 if only because I’ve said the same thing in my blogs.

Victor: Zingbot talks about how he’d only feel it appropriate to zing Victor in Spanish, and then calls him a douchebag. 5/10. Fairly lazy and not really accurate. Victor’s had his moments of being a tool, but they weren’t that bad.

Paulie: He was zinged about being a less charming, less of a gameplayer, and less attractive version of his brother. All true, but for the same reasonsa s Michelle 6/10.

Corey: Zingbot asked him who makes Nicole’s heart flutter and have her thinking wedding bells? And then said Hayden, who was Nicole’s showmance in BB16. 7/10. It was funny, but was more of a zing to Nicole than Corey.

James: Zingbot told him that he enjoys scaring people with his pranks, but the people he is scaring most of all are Natalie’s parents. 9/10. It’s funny, talks about valid things, and gets at something that would bother James. We need more zings like these.

Natalie: Zingbot calls her out for being ditzy and having armpit hair. 4/10. Not particularly funny, and also, I don’t think a single live feeder has really noticed anyone’s armpit hair with frequency, definitely not Natalie’s.

Nicole: Zingbot talked about how in BB16 she couldn’t win comps, lost her game because of a showmance, and was overall stupid. Oh wait, that is this season. 10/10 because yet again another zing I touched on when I wrote my first ever blog. I might have to sue Zingbot for plagiarizing. 

The veto competition officially begins with people aiming a beanie to try and get the most points. The person with the least amount of points is eliminated and opens a “prize”. Then, the next person eliminated opens their prize and can determine whether they keep it, or trade it for a previously eliminated player’s prize. Victor ends up winning the power of veto. The other results were: Corey has to wear a patriotard, Paulie has to bake apple pies on cue, Paul must wear a security uniform, Nicole wins a trip, and James gets 5,000 dollars. 

The “You Suck” award for this comp goes to….

   NOT JAMES! In a shocking turn of events, I give this one to Paulie for a variety of reasons. 1.) He was the first houseguest to score a 0. But, the main reason was that he is at fault for why he has a punishment. He was eliminated 4th in the competition, there was no way that he would keep veto if he chose to take it from Corey. But, he did anyway. It was a pointless maneuver that only showed how little he cares for his alliance members. If neither of you are going to get to keep it, why take it? Trade with Nicole for a prize. The way he did it doomed both him and his strongest ally to punishments. Dumb move.

    Not much happened after that, so I’m going to take the time to rant at CBS for their over-positive editing of Paulie. In the past, they have shown none of his misogynistic comments towards women or when he threatened to have Natalie and Bridgette beaten up. FINE. It had nothing to do with the game. But, when he got his punishment to bake pies, he flat out REFUSED to do it. He had to be called to the diary room 4 times. He threatened to quit and not go to the jury house, he was a big brat. CBS not showing any of this reeks of favoritism towards the Califiore family and it’s frankly annoying. Almost as annoying as my dad tagging me in snake photos on Facebook. ALMOST. 

So veto meeting happens and Victor keeps nominations the same. Another thing you missed is that apparently veto meeting speeches were cut because Paulie decided to make up that he had an aunt dying of cancer and use it in his speech. Yet again, another classless move by Paulie that CBS is hiding.
                                                     Best player of the Episode:

       This goes to Victor for having the sense to make strong nominations and stick to his guns under pressure. Then following through by winning veto and keeping nominations the same.

                                                 Worst Player Of The Episode
        Obviously Paulie. I can’t even. Please leave the house and never come back.

1 comment:

  1. Paulie = snake. I was being metaphoric. I'm deep that way.
