Hey friends! Welcome to another recap episode of Big
Brother. It’s getting down to the wire as the season is settling down. So
before I get to the recap, I want to talk about what happens on this blog after
Big Brother ends. Some of you will have already read this on the Bachelor In
Paradise blog, but since readership for the two shows could differ, I thought I’d
mention it again. The two shows I created this blog to cover have either ended
or are ending soon. Therefore, I have to decide what shows to cover during the
fall. I already decided that I would do survivor. But, the thing with that is
that that would mean I’d only be doing one post a week. I’m leaving the second
show that I cover up to my readers. So, to the right of this article there is a
poll you can vote on to see the options for coverage. The show options are Ben
and Lauren: Happily Ever After, The Voice, Dancing With the Stars, or other. I
know mobile can’t see the poll, so feel free to just leave your comments on
what you want below the article, or contact me in another way.
With that being said, let’s get to the recap!
start the episode off after the last nomination ceremony, with Victor making it
very clear that his target for eviction is James. And in all honesty, that was
the smart play for him. If Natalie stays, she’d go after Nicorey. If James
stays, he’ll go after Victor and Paul. Why? I’ll get to that annoying
information later. Natalie immediately goes into the diary room to explain how
it “breaks her heart” to be on the block next to her “soulmate” James. Really?
It breaks your heart. Is that why you literally have no negative emotions on
your face whatsoever. Yeah… Sure…..
Those two just become more and more painful to watch as she becomes more
and more obvious that she is not into James at all. She used him to get this
far in the game, but now that’s biting her in the butt.
Not even an hour after the nomination ceremony, Natalie
beelines up to Paul and Victor and apologizes for betraying them. Within this
little spiel, she lets loose that she trusted the wrong person in the game,
James, and regrets it. This flabbergasts the boys. Her immediately turning her
back on a boy devoted to her does not make her look trustworthy at all. This is
just one of the many seeds of her downfall.
The second seed, is a little more annoying. Nicole feels
guilty that James is on the block and starts crying. She decides she wants to
make Natalie leave. And this is the point where I will never root for a Nicole
or James win. Here’s the story. These two were already friends before the
season started. They had talked. Derrick, the winner of Big Brother 16,
basically orchestrated a final 2 alliance between the two because he is friends
with them both. Before the season started, both of them have had a final 2
alliance and an unfair advantage of knowing they could trust someone. Ever
wonder why James never considered voting out Corey? I find this pre-show
behavior as lacking integrity. Play the game. You aren’t supposed to already
know people and have that advantage of being able to trust them. It’d be
different if they had only slightly known each other, but they flat out formed
alliances before the show. That’s a cowards way to play Big Brother and shouldn’t
be rewarded by either of them winning the show. Not that either of them would.
The jury hates both of their gameplay. Corey might even win over Nicole.
So the veto competition starts. It’s a competition based on
the new television show MacGyver coming to CBS on the fall. I hate promotional
competitions like this, even though the setup was cool, so I’m going to skip
covering it. Corey won the veto.
After this, Natalie believes she is going home. She knows
that Nicorey would want to keep James and that they have the votes to do so.
She is right, but her complaining about it is annoying. She also ends up
alienating James because she tells him that if he works with Nicorey after she
leaves, she will never speak to him again. Finally, James grows a brain in his
head and realizes where this is going, and that if she really liked him that
wouldn’t have been said. Natalie also
accuses him of having a final 3 with Nicorey (1/2 true) and having thrown the veto
(not true, James just sucks).
Then the veto meeting happens with Corey keeping nominations
the same. The fakest showmance of the season is now guaranteed to be split up
due to their own stupid moves.
Worst Player of the Episode
Natalie. She came off bad throwing James under the bus and
created a situation where no one really sees why they need her in the house. No
one trusts her, and that’s not a good spot to be in.
Best Player of the Episode
Maybe Corey. He wins competitions and is setting himself up
well depending on who next wins HOH.
Favorite Player
Still Victor. Also isn't this picture of Victor as Jon Snow perfect?
Hope you enjoyed the recap and stay tuned for the next one
Send them both to the jury house together and see what happens!