Here we are friends! The Big Brother season is winding down
and we are now officially at our final four! It’s been a pretty crazy ride, and
while not perfect, I can say it was more enjoyable than BB16 and BB17. Before I
start the recap, I want to apologize for the lateness of this post. Something
came up that needed to be taken care of, and then I had classes. Tomorrow’s
recap will be up at normal time. With that being said, let’s get started.
The episode started right after the nomination ceremony with
Victor and Paul on the block. Victor’s reaction is to be pissed. He is hurt
that whenever he trusts someone, they have backstabbed him. And while I get it
on a personal level why that hurts, it is just part of the game. He immediately
threatens Nicorey by saying he will put them up if he wins HOH next week. That
was not smart at all. Paul’s reaction is the exact opposite. He sees the value
in being the calm person in the scenario. He knows that Victor is a scary presence
from a comp standpoint, so why not let Victor paint a bigger target on himself?
Reason# 2000 I want Paul to win this game. Please win Paul. I can’t take it
being anyone else.
James goes into a dialogue about how he feels great because
at this point he will make final 3 regardless. He’s right. But I still freaking
hate him. James, go away. Don’t come back.
This leads into the veto competition. Each house guest, both evicted and
current, have a comic book representing them on a wall. The players must put
these comics in the correct order on their wall. But, there’s a catch. There
are multiple options of each comic, with only subtle differences. You have to
pick the right one. Nicole wins the veto.
The You Suck Award Goes To
James. Again. It’s a tradition at this point. He could’ve
won and I would’ve given it to him. Thankfully, he also sucked at this and
couldn’t complete the task.
After this, Julie Chen conducts an interview with Derrick,
the winner of BB16. He is probably one of the more overrated winners of the
show. Yes, he was good and went un-nominated. But guess what? He was playing
with idiots. Dan Gheesling and Will Kirby far beat him as players. Anyone who
tries to compare him to them just doesn’t get this game.
Then the veto meeting happens, with Nicole keeping
nominations the same. Victor is then sent packing for the 3rd time
this summer. Thankfully, since he had already been evicted twice, this didn’t
hurt. I loved him as a person, but I could never root for him to win based on
his having been evicted. No one has played the best game if they had to rely on
a competition to come back in.
episode ends with the HOH comp which Paul wins. Thank God! If you heard someone
screaming happily at 11 pm last night, that was me watching his win. Also,
James sucked at another comp. In case you didn’t already guess.
Best Player of the Episode
Paul. He kept himself in the house when arguably he was the
bigger threat to win and now he has HOH.
Worst Player of the Episode
James. He is still here only to be an easy person to
beat in final 2.
Current Favorite
Since Victor is evicted, this switches over to Paul.
So that’s the end of the recap! Stay tuned for a special
post on Monday, where I break down each person’s chances in the final 3 against
each other, and where I think the votes will fall!
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