Thursday, September 1, 2016

BB18 Recap "Some BB Fans Are Real Stupid"

   Guys! It’s taken this many episodes, but  I think last night was the first time both Nicole and Corey have actually played the game at the same time. Usually one sucks while the other sort of plays, but last night they both made decent moves. I’ll take totally unexpected for $500, Alex. It was a very calm episode in terms of drama, or new moves, but it’s still promising to see how the game will turn out.

   The episode starts at the end of the last nomination ceremony. I’m still overjoyed at Nicole making a decent move. What am I not overjoyed about? Stupidity. And both Michelle and James showed it. Both of them are overconfident and thinking that Michelle is a pawn to send Paul home. Michelle usually knows what is going on, so that was disappointing. James, well, James is always in the dark. And their logic makes no sense. If Paul was the target, why would Nicole leave Victor off the block? She has basically given both of them the ability to win safety for the week for each other. Yes, you could argue the backdoor scenario, but then Paul wouldn’t be the target like they think. 
   Then, the veto player picking ceremony happens. I usually don’t touch on these, but there is one part I do want to touch on. When Paul got houseguest’s choice, he picked Corey to play. Michelle, starts to wise up, and sees that maybe something could be going on that is fishy. James and Natalie refuse to see it, saying that Paul knows they would’ve taken off Michelle. But, here’s the kicker. Natalie doesn’t win competitions, Corey does. If Paul was truly against Nicorey, he would’ve chosen Natalie because he knows he can beat her in a competition. This was another moment where James could have put the pieces together, but he couldn’t. Reason number 9 billion why I will boycott if he even comes close to winning the game. 

     The veto competition starts and it’s the annual counting one. The houseguests have to make their best estimates on how much of an item there is. Then, they reveal their answers. After seeing the houseguests’ answers, they can fold or stay. If they fold, they automatically go to the next round. If they stay, and have the closest answer, they win a candy cane. If they stay, and have the farthest answer, they are eliminated. The 1st player to 3 candy canes wins the veto. This is where Corey actually makes an intelligent move. During a round, he notices that Nicole has an answer that is fairly far off from everyone else’s. He also figures that she will stay regardless, so to keep her in the game, he writes an answer of 1 billion and stays. This guarantees that he will be the one to go and Nicole can keep playing. It was a smart play because Nicole would have been eliminated without it. And Nicole ended up winning the veto, so it was successful. Props to Corey, but I’m now going to go cry for having to give props to Corey.

  Normally, I would’ve given the You Suck award to Corey for his inability to count during the other rounds, but that one play is enough to make the award void for this week. No one else really did bad enough to warrant it. Except maybe Paul, who would’ve won the veto if he hadn’t folded every time.

    After the veto, Michelle is Michelle and cries. I hate watching her. I will be so glad when she is gone. Before the veto meeting, Nicole ponders switching targets and getting out Paul or Victor. It amazes me how many Big Brother fans think that would be a good move. Yes. You do have to get out strong players to win. But, you actually have to make final 2 to justify that. Nicole and Corey WOULD NOT make final 2 if they had betrayed those two this week. Let me explain. With either Paul or Victor gone, they would be at a HUGE numbers disadvantage. Michelle is going after them regardless of what they do this week. Whoever stays out of Paul and Victor would gun for them. James and Natalie are also then not likely to stick to the deal. 1.) Natalie wants to choose Michelle over them and 2.) The remaining player of Paul/Victor would tell James and Natalie about the alliance formed. Nicole and Corey would be screwed because only Corey could play for the next HOH. Big Brother is a game about being able to time your moves, and this would have been a horrible time to make that move. Nicole made the right choice by keeping the nominations the same. It’s a simple rule of Big Brother. Send out the people against you, and keep the people working with you safe.

So with that being said, best player of the episode goes to
Nicole. She made the right choice with the nominations and veto. This choice is something that should keep her and Corey safe next week regardless of who wins.

Worst player of the episode
   James. I was tempted to give this to Michelle, but unlike James, at least she had doubts about what was happening. James is so far in la la land, he can’t see what is happening right in front of him. You know Victor’s being distant. You’ve seen Paul spend much time in the HOH room. Michelle was on the block instead of Victor. And then Victor didn’t go up as a replacement nom. That should’ve all told you that Michelle was the target, not Paul or Victor. At this point, I can’t see a way that he or Natalie make it to the end.

  With that being said, have a great day! Don’t forget to let me know what you think and if you agree with Nicole’s move.

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