So, I’m going to go on the record and say that was a really
entertaining episode. Which is a great thing, considering it’s the last normal
episode we get for this season. Therefore, it’s also the last normal recap.
But, that’s ok because I’ll still be posting. There will be a post up on Monday
with my thoughts on the season and who has the best chance to win. Then there
will the finale recap before I dive into
the next shows I will recap.
The episode starts off with the aftermath of Paul winning HOH.
No, not my screams of joy, but Nicole’s crying. She knows she and Corey will be on the block
and it makes her sad. Well guess what? She did it to herself. She got in a
showmance, she betrayed Paul’s best friend, there was nothing about it that
wasn’t her fault. Now, I feel like I might get a bad rep for picking on people
when crying, but I don’t always. Sometimes, I genuinely find it endearing. Case
in point, when Paul started crying when he knew he had made final 3 and was
talking about how he wanted to make it to the end. That’s genuine emotion that
doesn’t arise out of someone wanting others to pity them. I like that emotion.
I don’t like Nicole fishing for pity when she did it to herself.
As expected, Paul nominates Nicorey, which was the only
reasonable move at this point. Then, the best moment of the episode happened.
The jury house fight. So for a little background, apparently Zakiyah, being the
not bright, female setting feminism back 1000 years, that she is, has gotten
back with Paulie. None of the girls in the jury house were happy about it and
apparently were showing that to her. Natalie enters the jury house with this
tense situation already happening. At some point, she makes a reference to how
she would’ve used the POV on James if she had won, because he means so much to
her. DaVonne, as expected, takes this as an opportunity to blast Paulie for not
having used it on Zakiyah. I know a lot of people are going to get mad at Da
for instigating this, but well I enjoyed it, so I root her on to do that. That
means a lot because I usually hate her. Zakiyah IS being an idiot, and I don’t
want to have to listen to her cry on social media about how he dumps her like a
hot rock after the show. And real friends tell you when you are setting
yourself up poorly. Paulie is immediately offended and he and Da start going
after each other. At one point, he brings up her daughter, which makes Da erupt.
She gets in his face and looked like she was in danger of getting expelled she
was so up close and personal. Thankfully, you see a producer step in and
nothing is escalated. Paulie then goes in on Bridgette, after she had made only
one remark, and she responds but then walks away. As someone who watched and
read the live feeds, Paulie is a Neanderthal and the girls have the right not
to like him. If he can’t handle that, he shouldn’t have joined this show. Sure,
the girls this season were cattier than usual. But being catty doesn’t mean
that they are always wrong.
P.S. That was probably the most entertaining fight in
seasons and I would definitely watch it again.
Now back to the people still in the game. The veto
competition starts. The contestants would be asked a question and have to
figure out the day that that event occurred. Once they know their answer, they
would have to run around and step on baseball plates with numbers corresponding
to them. Once they got the number they wanted, they’d ring it in. The last
person to ring in the correct number would get an out. Once a person received 3
outs, they lost the veto. The last person standing would win. Paul won. Then we
cut straight to the eviction, where James casts his vote to predictably evict
Corey. Also, a little digression but ….
The You Suck Award Goes To..
James. Yet again, another competition he sucks at. When you
are in the house with nothing to do, you better damn well study the dates
things happened. That is always a competition.
Best Player of the Episode
Paul. I think the smarter move would’ve been to evict
Nicole. She’s the bigger threat jury wise and James is loyal to her. However,
he is still better than everyone else so he gets this.
Worst Player of the Episode
James. I hate you. Yes, that's a mean thing to say, but you're game play above all else deserves it.
Favorite Player
Still Paul. I hope he wins. That's all I will accept. That or Victor gets a 50th chance and the show just gives it to him. That would be preferably to a James or Nicole win in my book.
It's better for Paul that Corey went. Nicole would back stab James even with Corey gone. Corey would have teamed up with James in a fit if Nicole had left. In any event, Paul wins at jury over anyone. So they need to get him out.