Thursday, September 29, 2016

Survivor 33 Recap "My 1st Thoughts On The Players"

    Hello everyone and welcome back to the blog after a week off! I’m excited to jump back into the swing of things by starting to recap Survivor. For those who haven’t seen the show, it’s basically Big Brother but on an island where people also have to survive off of the bare minimum. Also, during the first stages of the game there are separate “tribes” and based off a competition, a person will be voted off from the losing tribe. There are other mechanics to the show, but I can explain those when they become relevant. For my first blog on this season, I thought I’d use it to give my initial impression of the players. If you’re busy and don’t want to read a bunch, here’s the summary: Not Good. 

    But first (yes I’m stealing Julie Chen’s line), let’s talk about the theme real quick. The first tribe is of Generation Xers. The second is of millennials. I want to take a second to talk about how annoying this theme is. The first two episodes have been nonstop bombarding us with comparisons between the two generations where the millennials are the “free spirits” and the Gen Xers are the “hard workers.”  But, here’s the thing: the generations aren’t different. Hear me out. While the technology and ways to work have changed, the quality of people doing so really haven’t. It’s just a different context. If you put the soul of a gen xer into a millennial baby, I’m willing to bet that nothing would change. Or did Survivor forget that Gen Xers were considered the “free spirits” and “lazy kids” to the Baby Boomers? It’s an age old cycle. 

Ok, mini rant over. Let’s talk about the players this season.

Jay: I have mixed feelings about him. While he is involved in the Pretty Kid alliance that I hate, he at least seems to have a semblance of intelligence to him. Case in point: he was smart enough to know Taylor’s showmance was a bad thing and that he needed to cool his engines.
Hannah: We go from someone with some intelligence, to someone who miraculously showed none last night. The target was Figgy until Michelle whispered to her during tribal to vote out Mari instead. Here’s the kicker: Michelle wouldn’t tell her the reason until after. HELLO?! If someone won’t tell you the reason until after you do it, that’s a pretty good reason NOT to do it. Furthermore, the fact that she was told last minute proves she is on the bottom of the “Kappa Kappa” alliance, a name that she gave them last episode. So now a showmance and an alliance that doesn’t need her is strong in this game. She screwed herself.

Michaela: I have a feeling that if she can learn to control her instinct to confront people, that she will make it far. She’s fairly perceptive and is able to move past not liking someone if keeping them in the game still benefits her.
Tayor: He is the stereotypical surfer type who you expect to only know the word “dude.” Also, because he is pretty he started a showmance with Figgy. That alone shows he sucks at this game and being aware of his position. Figgy and he lucked out that he had two alliance members that worked to save her.
Adam: I really don’t have an impression of him outside of the fact that he talks REALLY loud when he is giving his confessionals.
Figgy: I really wish I could say that I liked her. But, I just can’t. Anyone who comes into a game show talking about how they want to win and “find a husband” I can’t respect. She also came off like a total brat in her conversation with Michaela. She felt the need to start a confrontation while Michaela was just eating sugar cane. Sure, Michaela was giving her the side eye, but learn to ignore that.
Zeke: He seems like a cool guy, but he is completely out of his element with this tribe. He needs to lay low for a bit until a tribe swap can put him into a better position.
Michelle:  I give her props for being able to get Hannah to switch her vote. It shows that she engenders trust in people fairly easily, and she was able to save her true alliance member. However, I can’t give her too much props because it’s not hard to manipulate an idiot. I’d like to see her work when she is faced with a better challenge.
Will: He left high school to play on Survivor. How have his parents not killed him? I’d be six feet under if I did something like that.
Lucy: Who? She hasn’t said a word the first two episodes. I guess we can pencil her in for makes jury but doesn’t win.

David: Ugh. He is so paranoid and that’s what keeps him in a bad position. But his alliance with Ken is endearing so he has that going for him.

Ken: I like Ken. He seems down to earth and good at challenges. Basically, he is like my past favorite Joe. The issue is, these guys don’t win. The second they lose an individual immunity after the merge, they are voted out. I’ll enjoy him while I can.
Paul: The tough alpha male that has to control everything never makes it to the end. Pencil him in for an entertaining blindside or a future medical evacuation.
Chris: I want to like him because he is an attorney. But, he comes off like the bad stereotype of one. He seems to think too highly of himself, and in Survivor that confidence is not a good thing.
Sunday: She’s fairly forgettable at this moment.
Jessica: Here is another attorney, but I like her. She’s gotten herself into a power alliance where she helps call the shots, but no one thinks of her as the head honcho that needs to go. It’s good first couple of episodes play.
Brett: Cops have a good history of at least making it to jury on this show. Whether he wins will depend on his strategic chops winning out over his “macho” style. Jury’s out on him.
Cece: She seems to be in a bad place. She doesn’t have the numbers and she had aligned herself with Rachel, who was voted out last episode. However, my instincts say that she might make it further than I expect.

So there you have it, my preliminary thoughts on these players. Keep tuning into the blog to see how my thoughts evolve as we see more and more of their gameplay. P.S. this is the only game show where I don’t look at spoilers, so with events like last night’s blindside, I am just as surprised as all of you.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

BB18 Finale Recap "When The Best Player Doesn't Win"

   I think my title of this post summarizes exactly what my thoughts are about last night’s finale. Paul was the better player. Period. Nicole would’ve been a decent winner against anyone else, but not Paul. He outplayed her every single week. She didn’t even leave her bed with Corey until around day 50. It’s a shame that Paul decided to be “noble” and take the better player because it cost him the game. Bridgette said in an after the game interview that taking James would have guaranteed him the money by a 8-1 vote.

   Anyway, for a quick note of positivity before I continue my sort of ranting: I want to say thank you to everyone who supported the blog during this Big Brother season. I didn’t really expect anyone outside of my parents to read it, so to be this close to 1,000 page views is pretty awesome. So thank you again! If you like shows like Big Brother, stay tuned because every Thursday will be a recap of Survivor, which is basically Big Brother on an island. Also, starting in October, every Wednesday there will be a blog up on Ben and Lauren: Happily Ever After for The Bachelor fans. It’s a spin-off of one of the couples still together.

   Okay, ending the plug and getting back to the sad finale. Obviously, I think personal feelings played too large of a role in this jury voting. I don’t think many of them voted on game. Because let’s be honest Paulie and by extension Zakiyah’s votes had nothing to do with game, they were just closer to Nicole. Paulie even said during the jury debate Paul was the better “all around” player, but then tried to use that to justify a Nicole win. I also feel Natalie’s vote had nothing to do with game. She’s been pushing for a female winner before week 1 was even over. Julie Chen could have come in the house, sat next to Paul, have played zero game, and she would’ve voted for her because she was a female. While I agree that Paul made a mistake in taking Nicole because of this being possible, he still should’ve won. Unfortunately, with more and more contestants being cast for summer camp, more and more of these final 2 votes are going the wrong way.

   Just a little analysis, but since BB14 all but one of the winners have won by playing the “rat” game. Basically, they did absolutely nothing until they heard something bad and then went and told everyone about it. Ian, Andy, Steve, and now Nicole have won with that game. At least with Andy and Steve, their opponents sucked so it was ok. But with Ian and Nicole, the person they beat had actually played the game well. The jury needs to stop rewarding the “rat” game play. It encourages people to do nothing and quite frankly it’s boring. None of these winners will be seen on the show again, even if they wanted to be. They are the least popular winners ever, and I’m willing to bet Nicole will continue that streak.

   Thankfully, at least America got its job right last night and awarded Victor America’s Favorite House Guest. That was the silver lining of the episode. He absolutely deserved it and was all around a likeable guy. He also made Big Brother history coming back 3 times, so I'd be willing to bet that he will appear on a future season. In all honesty, he, Paul, and Frank are the only ones I can see being brought back. They all were involved in drama, played the game, and America liked them. Bridgette and Natalie have a chance of being brought back, but it’s definitely less likely. It would have to be a season where the twist specifically calls for players like them.

Now, let’s see how my predictions stacked up with the votes.

Predictions: 5-4 for Paul
DaVonne: I could see her voting either way, but I am leaning towards Nicole. Her comments during the jury segments show a huge admiration for Nicole running things and she has been adamant about wanting a female winner.
Zakiyah: Paul. Mainly because I think that’s what Paulie will vote.
Bridgette:  Paul
Paulie: Paul. Yes, he was closer to Nicole, but I can see him voting on who played the better game. And it’s not like he hated Paul, they were close at one point.
Michelle: Paul. She hates Nicole, there is no question here. Paul pissed her off, but not nearly as much.
Natalie: Nicole. She’s indicated in an exit interview that she was rooting for Nicole if she wasn’t against James.
Victor: Paul. Obvious.
Corey: Nicole. Obvious.
James: Nicole

Reality: 5-4 for Nicole
    So, I pretty much was wrong about two votes. I know, you’re going to bring up, but Julia, Zakiyah voted for Nicole. I’m going to be a bit technical here and say that my prediction was that she’d vote however Paulie voted, which technically was correct. I also was correct that it would be a close vote with it being 5-4. Unfortunately, I missed Paulie’s vote. I thought he’d respect the game enough to vote for the best. But, that’s what I get for counting on Paulie to do anything decent. The second person I was wrong about was James. I thought he’d be a vote for Nicole. Nicole fans on twitter have been in an uproar saying that his vote for Paul was bitterness against Nicole. I think that’s delusional. Paul’s the one who evicted him and he’s been best friends with Nicole since the beginning. The bitter vote would have been if he gave the win to Nicole. 

So, I thought I’d end this year of Big Brother with my overall thoughts on the season on a scale of 10, and my favorite players.

Season: 6.5. This season really did have strong points. The early part of the season was great until Frank was evicted. Then it lulled. Then it picked up again when Paulie got in trouble. Then it lulled. Unfortunately, the show has become a show where not playing is rewarded, and that causes way to many boring episodes in a row.

Winner: 6. Like I said, she’s not a horrible winner. The issue is just that she should not have won against Paul. I’d also rank her higher if she hadn’t basically cheated by entering this season with pre-show alliances. I’m not a fan of cheaters winning and it sets a bad precedent for future returning veterans. 

My Favorite Players: Frank, Paul, and Victor. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that these three were my favorites. Paul and Victor won my favorite player for numerous episodes. Its sure been a journey with them considering how I hated them at the start. Frank was one of my starting favorites, which had also surprised me given how I hated him during BB14. So to all the people I disliked this year, there's a chance I could like you in the future. A small chance, but a chance nonetheless. 

With that being said, those are my last thoughts on this season of Big Brother. While this season is over, I do plan on returning next summer, maybe with some new blog posts. I will not be watching Big Brother Over The Top. When your first big twist is that either Jozea or Jason will come back, I know that you are wasting my time with a knockoff. Until next time, have a great day!

Monday, September 19, 2016

BB18 "My Finale Predictions"

   Hello to my readers. Since there was no new episode Sunday, I have decided instead of a recap to post a special blog for you. This blog will be dedicated to me assessing each person’s winning chances and who I think will win in each possible final 2 scenario/where the votes will fall. For fun, I’ll include these predictions on finale night to see if I get them correct. Feel free to send me your predictions. 

   I’ll start with the final 2 match- up I am the most unsure of.

 Paul vs. Nicole

 Prediction: Paul wins in a close vote
 Here’s how I see the votes

DaVonne: I could see her voting either way, but I am leaning towards Nicole. Her comments during the jury segments show a huge admiration for Nicole running things and she has been adamant about wanting a female winner.
Zakiyah: Paul. Mainly because I think that’s what Paulie will vote.
Bridgette:  Paul
Paulie: Paul. Yes, he was closer to Nicole, but I can see him voting on who played the better game. And it’s not like he hated Paul, they were close at one point.
Michelle: Paul. She hates Nicole, there is no question here. Paul pissed her off, but not nearly as much.
Natalie: Nicole. She’s indicated in an exit interview that she was rooting for Nicole if she wasn’t against James.
Victor: Paul. Obvious.
Corey: Nicole. Obvious.
James: Nicole

So that puts Paul winning at 5-4 though votes could shift around with Davonne and Paulie as the real swing votes.

Paul vs. James: Paul takes this handily

DaVonne: Paul
Zakiyah: Paul
Bridgette: Paul
Paulie: Paul
Michelle: I’m leaning James. If she is able to put Paul calling her a c word aside, she might vote for him, but Michelle is known for being petty.
Natalie: James.
Victor: Paul
Corey: I could see Corey voting either way, but I’m leaning towards Paul.
Nicole: James. Though maybe she’d vote Paul.
So this prediction has Paul winning 6-3. Votes may change around, but I don't see a case where Paul loses this match-up.

Nicole vs. James: I see Nicole winning this
DaVonne: Nicole
Zakiyah: Nicole
Bridgette: Nicole. I can see her voting James, but I feel like she’d prioritize game.
Paulie: Nicole
Michelle: James
Natalie: James
Victor: Nicole
Corey: Nicole
Paul:  Nicole, another person I feel would vote game over who they liked better.

Yet again, I just don't see the votes changing enough for James to win this. Enough of these players like both Nicole and Paul enough that James's supposed likability won't matter for much. The jury will vote on game. 

So there you have it! My Predictions for the ending of this season! I’m excited to watch Wednesday night to see if I am right! 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

BB18 Recap "Best Fight Ever"

  So, I’m going to go on the record and say that was a really entertaining episode. Which is a great thing, considering it’s the last normal episode we get for this season. Therefore, it’s also the last normal recap. But, that’s ok because I’ll still be posting. There will be a post up on Monday with my thoughts on the season and who has the best chance to win. Then there will the finale recap before I dive into  the next shows I will recap. 

  The episode starts off with the aftermath of Paul winning HOH. No, not my screams of joy, but Nicole’s crying.  She knows she and Corey will be on the block and it makes her sad. Well guess what? She did it to herself. She got in a showmance, she betrayed Paul’s best friend, there was nothing about it that wasn’t her fault. Now, I feel like I might get a bad rep for picking on people when crying, but I don’t always. Sometimes, I genuinely find it endearing. Case in point, when Paul started crying when he knew he had made final 3 and was talking about how he wanted to make it to the end. That’s genuine emotion that doesn’t arise out of someone wanting others to pity them. I like that emotion. I don’t like Nicole fishing for pity when she did it to herself.

  As expected, Paul nominates Nicorey, which was the only reasonable move at this point. Then, the best moment of the episode happened. The jury house fight. So for a little background, apparently Zakiyah, being the not bright, female setting feminism back 1000 years, that she is, has gotten back with Paulie. None of the girls in the jury house were happy about it and apparently were showing that to her. Natalie enters the jury house with this tense situation already happening. At some point, she makes a reference to how she would’ve used the POV on James if she had won, because he means so much to her. DaVonne, as expected, takes this as an opportunity to blast Paulie for not having used it on Zakiyah. I know a lot of people are going to get mad at Da for instigating this, but well I enjoyed it, so I root her on to do that. That means a lot because I usually hate her. Zakiyah IS being an idiot, and I don’t want to have to listen to her cry on social media about how he dumps her like a hot rock after the show. And real friends tell you when you are setting yourself up poorly. Paulie is immediately offended and he and Da start going after each other. At one point, he brings up her daughter, which makes Da erupt. She gets in his face and looked like she was in danger of getting expelled she was so up close and personal. Thankfully, you see a producer step in and nothing is escalated. Paulie then goes in on Bridgette, after she had made only one remark, and she responds but then walks away. As someone who watched and read the live feeds, Paulie is a Neanderthal and the girls have the right not to like him. If he can’t handle that, he shouldn’t have joined this show. Sure, the girls this season were cattier than usual. But being catty doesn’t mean that they are always wrong. 

P.S. That was probably the most entertaining fight in seasons and I would definitely watch it again.

    Now back to the people still in the game. The veto competition starts. The contestants would be asked a question and have to figure out the day that that event occurred. Once they know their answer, they would have to run around and step on baseball plates with numbers corresponding to them. Once they got the number they wanted, they’d ring it in. The last person to ring in the correct number would get an out. Once a person received 3 outs, they lost the veto. The last person standing would win. Paul won. Then we cut straight to the eviction, where James casts his vote to predictably evict Corey. Also, a little digression but ….

                                                       The You Suck Award Goes To..
  James. Yet again, another competition he sucks at. When you are in the house with nothing to do, you better damn well study the dates things happened. That is always a competition. 

                                                   Best Player of the Episode
  Paul. I think the smarter move would’ve been to evict Nicole. She’s the bigger threat jury wise and James is loyal to her. However, he is still better than everyone else so he gets this.

                                                 Worst Player of the Episode
   James. I hate you. Yes, that's a mean thing to say, but you're game play above all else deserves it.

                                                         Favorite Player
   Still Paul. I hope he wins. That's all I will accept. That or Victor gets a 50th chance and the show just gives it to him. That would be preferably to a James or Nicole win in my book.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

BB18 Recap "7th Inning Stretch"

   Here we are friends! The Big Brother season is winding down and we are now officially at our final four! It’s been a pretty crazy ride, and while not perfect, I can say it was more enjoyable than BB16 and BB17. Before I start the recap, I want to apologize for the lateness of this post. Something came up that needed to be taken care of, and then I had classes. Tomorrow’s recap will be up at normal time. With that being said, let’s get started.

    The episode started right after the nomination ceremony with Victor and Paul on the block. Victor’s reaction is to be pissed. He is hurt that whenever he trusts someone, they have backstabbed him. And while I get it on a personal level why that hurts, it is just part of the game. He immediately threatens Nicorey by saying he will put them up if he wins HOH next week. That was not smart at all. Paul’s reaction is the exact opposite. He sees the value in being the calm person in the scenario. He knows that Victor is a scary presence from a comp standpoint, so why not let Victor paint a bigger target on himself? Reason# 2000 I want Paul to win this game. Please win Paul. I can’t take it being anyone else.

     James goes into a dialogue about how he feels great because at this point he will make final 3 regardless. He’s right. But I still freaking hate him. James, go away. Don’t come back.  This leads into the veto competition. Each house guest, both evicted and current, have a comic book representing them on a wall. The players must put these comics in the correct order on their wall. But, there’s a catch. There are multiple options of each comic, with only subtle differences. You have to pick the right one. Nicole wins the veto.

                                                      The You Suck Award Goes To
   James. Again. It’s a tradition at this point. He could’ve won and I would’ve given it to him. Thankfully, he also sucked at this and couldn’t complete the task. 

   After this, Julie Chen conducts an interview with Derrick, the winner of BB16. He is probably one of the more overrated winners of the show. Yes, he was good and went un-nominated. But guess what? He was playing with idiots. Dan Gheesling and Will Kirby far beat him as players. Anyone who tries to compare him to them just doesn’t get this game.

   Then the veto meeting happens, with Nicole keeping nominations the same. Victor is then sent packing for the 3rd time this summer. Thankfully, since he had already been evicted twice, this didn’t hurt. I loved him as a person, but I could never root for him to win based on his having been evicted. No one has played the best game if they had to rely on a competition to come back in.

   The episode ends with the HOH comp which Paul wins. Thank God! If you heard someone screaming happily at 11 pm last night, that was me watching his win. Also, James sucked at another comp. In case you didn’t already guess.
                                                        Best Player of the Episode
  Paul. He kept himself in the house when arguably he was the bigger threat to win and now he has HOH.

                                                           Worst Player of the Episode
   James. He is  still here only to be an easy person to beat in final 2.

                                                                Current Favorite
   Since Victor is evicted, this switches over to Paul.

  So that’s the end of the recap! Stay tuned for a special post on Monday, where I break down each person’s chances in the final 3 against each other, and where I think the votes will fall!

Monday, September 12, 2016

BB18 Recap "When It's Hard To Find A Decent Player"

    Boy, let’s be honest. That episode of Big Brother was a whole bunch of nothing. We knew 5 minutes in what the nominations would be for each person, no matter how much suspense the show tried to drum up. Which is fine, not every episode is going to be suspenseful, but with those episodes I don’t have to listen to Nicole talk as much as she did last night. She and Corey are starting to grate on my last nerve. But, let’s start the recap.

   We start the episode with the HOH competition. It’s the annual slip and slide, where the house guests cross a soapy slide with some sort of liquid in a cup, hoping to transfer its contents to a big bowl. The first contestant to fill said bowl and recover a ball out of it wins. Corey by far won this competition. And, I hate saying this, it was because of a good strategy. Not only is he already athletically gifted, but he always went down the exact same spot on the slide. That means that after a few times, that part of the slide isn’t going to be as slippery because you’ve cleared it out. That’s why he could almost glide on it, without worrying about falling.

                                                      The You Suck Award Goes To
   James. Like an old friend, even if he won’t win the 500k, he can rest assured knowing he has by far won the most amount of these.

    The rest of the episode could honestly be summed up in one paragraph. Victor/Paul continue to trust Nicorey all while Nicorey knows they are putting those two up. Paul starts to doubt them a little, but never acts on those doubts. This is yet another reason James should have been evicted last week. If Paul/Victor had forced the issue for him to go, and Nicorey said no, then at least the boys would have known the position they were in this week. Last thing before I move on from this: Corey can not be a man. The CD he received in his HOH basket was Taylor Swift’s 1989. Which fun, it’s a classic album, I love it too. But, he also said he wanted to be in her “squad”. Those exact words. I want to see his birth certificate. 

     So, as I said, Victor and Paul are put on the block. What’s more noteworthy though is how Nicole and Corey are losing jury votes by the second. People could very likely vote for James to win over them because they have screwed over so many people unnecessarily. You don’t betray people just to betray them. You need to have some sort of spurring on moment. That moment could have been last week, but when you are just one week away from fulfilling your deal, going back on it is pretty pointless. They’ve basically lost Victor/Paul’s votes to win. They already didn’t have Michelle’s. That’s 3 votes gone automatically when an opponent only needs 5 to win. If it were James, he’d have Natalie’s. That would mean, he would just need one more. Nicole/Corey have made the mistake of thinking only about how to win the game if it’s the two of them. They don’t realize that some of their actions can screw their chances if they are up against someone else.

                                                               Best Player of the Week
   I honestly can’t reward anyone’s game play this week. No one has done anything to deserve it.

                                                            Worst Player of the Week
   Nicole and James. Since no one performed well, I’ll just give it to the two I don’t respect in the slightest. Leave your pre-show alliances at home and don’t ruin the integrity of the game.

                                                            Current Favorite
    Victor/Paul. The thought of losing one of them pains me, but I hope we lose Victor. If only because he’s already been evicted twice so I couldn’t want him to win based off of that. Paul would be the only decent winner to this season left.

Friday, September 9, 2016

BB18 Recap "What You Didn't See"

   Hi and welcome to the last Friday recap of Big Brother! Why is it the last you may ask? Well, BB has changed its schedule. Due to Thursday Night football, Big Brother will be airing Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The blog schedule will remain the same, with a recap posted the day after each episode airs. Also, one last reminder to vote in the poll to decide what reality show you want me to cover next, either by voting in the poll or commenting  below. 

    Now, let’s start the recap. As far as what was shown on the episode, it was fairly boring. But what is far more interesting is what they didn’t show. I’ll cover that at the end of the blog. So, the veto meeting is over and it doesn’t take long for James and Natalie to fight again. She’s understandably frustrated that she is going home, and James keeps trying to basically tell her what to do with her time left in the house. Just because she only has a day left James, doesn’t mean she wants to spend it with you. Also, Natalie can tell Julie Chen all she wants about her and James “maybe” having a chance. She isn’t interested. She isn’t fooling anybody. You don’t go from liking the Victor, Paulie, Corey types to thinking that James has a chance in under 90 days. 

                                        Here are some other things that happened this episode:
  . Michelle enters the jury house. The interesting part about jury house segments is that you start to get a feeling for who has a shot at winning this game. I was surprised that it seemed like Michelle was the only one to have animosity for Nicole, but maybe that is all that was shown. I do feel like Nicole has an uphill battle to climb, not being close with the members in the jury and playing a dirty game which is rarely respected. 

  . Jeff and Jordan return to give an interview about the fact that they are married and pregnant. I’ve never been a fan of them. Jeff had a tendency to treat her and other women in the BB House horribly, but I guess congrats to them. They get to extend their 15 minutes even more.

    Then, Natalie is evicted unsurprisingly and the HOH competition begins. It’s the annual slip n slide HOH, which is usually fun to watch.

   Now, I’ll address what you didn’t see during the episode when giving out my weekly awards.

                                                      Worst Player of the Week
    Natalie. She set herself up poorly this week and played her cards too soon. Do I think she maliciously threw James under the bus? No, I think it might have been a move to save them both. But, she’s an idiot if she didn’t realize that her words were throwing him under the bus. With that, she lost the game, and maybe her shot at America’s Favorite Player.

                                                             Best Player of the Week
     BBTooms. BBTooms? Who is that? Well, yes it’s not an actual player in the house. It’s a twitter account. Remember how last blog I wrote about how angry I was that James/Nicole had a pre-show alliance? How I thought it showed that both lacked in integrity and shouldn’t win? Well, this lovely fellow decided to try to do something about it. He actually went to the Big Brother studio lot and used a bullhorn to inform the entire house that James/Nicole had this pre-show alliance. Yes, the house guests heard it. It was on Wednesday night I believe. Unfortunately, no one acted on it. Because if they had, James would be gone. Oh and now Paul and Victor are screwed because they didn’t listen to this generously given knowledge. I know one of you might be thinking, “Giving outside knowledge to the house guests is unfair”. Here’s my response: “And a pre-show alliance where two people know 100 percent they can trust each other isn’t?” At least this could have helped remedy that unfairness.

                                                        Favorite Player
      I can’t give this out. I’m so disappointed in Paul and Victor for not forcing Nicorey to vote out James. They screwed over their games and one of them is going home this week if they don’t win HOH. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

BB18 Recap "Squash The Black Widow"

       Hey friends! Welcome to another recap episode of Big Brother. It’s getting down to the wire as the season is settling down. So before I get to the recap, I want to talk about what happens on this blog after Big Brother ends. Some of you will have already read this on the Bachelor In Paradise blog, but since readership for the two shows could differ, I thought I’d mention it again. The two shows I created this blog to cover have either ended or are ending soon. Therefore, I have to decide what shows to cover during the fall. I already decided that I would do survivor. But, the thing with that is that that would mean I’d only be doing one post a week. I’m leaving the second show that I cover up to my readers. So, to the right of this article there is a poll you can vote on to see the options for coverage. The show options are Ben and Lauren: Happily Ever After, The Voice, Dancing With the Stars, or other. I know mobile can’t see the poll, so feel free to just leave your comments on what you want below the article, or contact me in another way. 

                                             With that being said, let’s get to the recap!

  We start the episode off after the last nomination ceremony, with Victor making it very clear that his target for eviction is James. And in all honesty, that was the smart play for him. If Natalie stays, she’d go after Nicorey. If James stays, he’ll go after Victor and Paul. Why? I’ll get to that annoying information later. Natalie immediately goes into the diary room to explain how it “breaks her heart” to be on the block next to her “soulmate” James. Really? It breaks your heart. Is that why you literally have no negative emotions on your face whatsoever. Yeah… Sure…..  Those two just become more and more painful to watch as she becomes more and more obvious that she is not into James at all. She used him to get this far in the game, but now that’s biting her in the butt. 

    Not even an hour after the nomination ceremony, Natalie beelines up to Paul and Victor and apologizes for betraying them. Within this little spiel, she lets loose that she trusted the wrong person in the game, James, and regrets it. This flabbergasts the boys. Her immediately turning her back on a boy devoted to her does not make her look trustworthy at all. This is just one of the many seeds of her downfall. 

         The second seed, is a little more annoying. Nicole feels guilty that James is on the block and starts crying. She decides she wants to make Natalie leave. And this is the point where I will never root for a Nicole or James win. Here’s the story. These two were already friends before the season started. They had talked. Derrick, the winner of Big Brother 16, basically orchestrated a final 2 alliance between the two because he is friends with them both. Before the season started, both of them have had a final 2 alliance and an unfair advantage of knowing they could trust someone. Ever wonder why James never considered voting out Corey? I find this pre-show behavior as lacking integrity. Play the game. You aren’t supposed to already know people and have that advantage of being able to trust them. It’d be different if they had only slightly known each other, but they flat out formed alliances before the show. That’s a cowards way to play Big Brother and shouldn’t be rewarded by either of them winning the show. Not that either of them would. The jury hates both of their gameplay. Corey might even win over Nicole.

     So the veto competition starts. It’s a competition based on the new television show MacGyver coming to CBS on the fall. I hate promotional competitions like this, even though the setup was cool, so I’m going to skip covering it. Corey won the veto. 

    After this, Natalie believes she is going home. She knows that Nicorey would want to keep James and that they have the votes to do so. She is right, but her complaining about it is annoying. She also ends up alienating James because she tells him that if he works with Nicorey after she leaves, she will never speak to him again. Finally, James grows a brain in his head and realizes where this is going, and that if she really liked him that wouldn’t have been said.  Natalie also accuses him of having a final 3 with Nicorey (1/2 true) and having thrown the veto (not true, James just sucks). 

    Then the veto meeting happens with Corey keeping nominations the same. The fakest showmance of the season is now guaranteed to be split up due to their own stupid moves. 

                                                        Worst Player of the Episode
   Natalie. She came off bad throwing James under the bus and created a situation where no one really sees why they need her in the house. No one trusts her, and that’s not a good spot to be in.

                                                  Best Player of the Episode
     Maybe Corey. He wins competitions and is setting himself up well depending on who next wins HOH.

                                                       Favorite Player
               Still Victor. Also isn't this picture  of Victor as Jon Snow perfect?

     Hope you enjoyed the recap and stay tuned for the next one tomorrow!