Sunday, December 11, 2016

Survivor 33 Finale Predictions

   Hello everyone and welcome to a special edition of my blog. Today, I am going to list my predictions for who has the best chances of winning this season IF they make final tribal council. For example, I have Jay as having the best chances if he makes it there, but it is unlikely that he does. The reason I won’t predict specific placements of people is that there are 6 people left and that would leave too many scenarios for me to have to calculate. I know what you are thinking. Well, then how can we keep Julia accountable for her predictions? It’s simple. Take the three people who make final tribal council and see how many votes they got. If my predictions are accurate, then the winner would have been placed on this list higher than the other two people. Make sense? Good. I hope my predicting these winners does not jinx them like it did with Paul on Big Brother. So here are the rankings!

1.) Jay
   Let me start off by saying that it is going to be really hard for Jay to make final tribal council. I do not expect him to. But, if he did he would beat everybody except maybe David. He has Taylor and Michelle’s votes locked down. No one is stealing those from him. That’s 2 solid votes when you only need 4 or 5 to win depending on the jury size. I am also pretty sure he would have Sunday. Adam might also vote for him as they seem to have a begrudging respect for one another that Adam has not shown to any other player.

    Also, I read somewhere that Jay’s photo as a contestant was a part of a recent episode of CBS’s sitcom Life In Pieces. Based on filming schedules of most sitcoms, at the latest that episode filmed in September when Survivor was first premiering. I don’t think CBS would have featured him as a joke in another show that would just now be airing if he did not make it very far, so add that to a conspiracy factor of him possibly winning.

2.) Adam
       I know. I am just as surprised as you are that I am putting him above David, but hear me out. Juries tend to have short term memory, they care more about the end stretch than the beginning. Adam has had a much better end stretch. He orchestrated the Will vote out. He saved Hannah. He has been the one pulling the strings while David has pulled back to not be seen as a threat. The last “big” move the jury currently has of David is when he misused his idol to save Ken who wasn’t in trouble.  Juries love a good underdog story, but somewhere along the way David became seen as a top dog, and therefore he will be held to that standard.

    Also, I’m trying to find a sensitive way to say this so please do not take what I am about to say in the wrong way.  Adam also has the fact that he is playing for his sick mother. Do I think he would bring her up in final tribal council as a deliberate game move to manipulate votes? No. I do not think he is that cold, but I do think it will come out. And his strength in dealing with that is going to garner votes. It’s why Jeremy from second chances did not tell other players his wife was expecting a baby, they would have then known to vote him out before the finals because that alone could make him win. I am not saying neither of them deserve it based off of game, they do, but that is an added benefit that both of them have.

3.) David
     David has played a good game all season, but the intensity with which he plays has fizzled out towards the end stretch. This is likely a deliberate move on his part to lose some of his being a target. However, as I said before, the jury tends to look at who played better towards the end, then what you did in the beginning. It is part of the reason why Michelle beat Aubrey in Survivor Kah Rong(or however that is spelled) even though Aubrey outplayed her all game. I think the same scenario could happen to David if he goes to the finals with either Adam or Jay. However, if he makes it with the people ranked below him on this list, he is guaranteed the win.

4.) Ken 
   I guess he could win if the jury decided to only vote on likability. Or if he ends up in the finals with Brett and Hannah. The issue is I do not see either scenario happening. The jury does not seem bitter enough to go for the first, and I do not see him betraying David to end up with the second. However, it is still possible which is why he is ranked at 4.

5.) Brett
    Brett arguably has done the least out of everyone in the final 6. But, why do I not have him at the bottom? It is very simple. He has friends on the jury. Zeke, Chris, and Sunday are all very close to him. They could all vote for him depending on who he sits next to. Therefore, it is not a lost cause that he could potentially win, it just is unlikely because 3 votes is not enough to win. He would have to swing someone else over. 

6.) Hannah
    Hannah is a lost cause for winning. In voting out Sunday, she became the new person that will not win. She does not have any close allies who will vote for her based off of a relationship except maybe Adam. The rest will vote off of game and in the perception of the jury, she has done nothing. She has been the most expendable member of every alliance she has been. And let’s not forget the week 2 tribal snafu where she agreed to vote with Michelle even though she was just told the plan at tribal and would not even be given a reason until afterwards.  She has been a mess strategically and socially this season and would at most have Adam’s vote. Even that is not guaranteed though as I could also see Adam voting off of game play and picking a Jay, David, or Ken win over her. 

    So there you have it. My predictions for who is most likely to win if they make tribal council. Drop a comment below or on my Facebook page telling me if you agree and if not which prediction would you change. I’d love to hear from you. With all of this being said, I hope you guys have a great week. I am about to go die from finals. Wish me luck.

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