Wednesday, November 30, 2016

B&L Finale Recap "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"

   I start off by apologizing for the lack of blogs last week. I was traveling Tuesday night so could not watch this show, and I figured no one wanted to read my Survivor blog on Thanksgiving. Furthermore, this show in particular was fairly boring last week as it was basically an episode of Extreme Home Makeover. So, with all of those apologies doled out, I thought I’d run a proposition by you. To celebrate this finale episode, I’ll forgo the normal recap and do something different. I haven’t been shy about my critiques of the show. There is some to like, but ultimately it fails at entertaining. I thought I’d summarize the issues the show has to correct if it wants to continue, and for the sake of positivity, what it already does well. Good? Well, I guess it does not matter since I’m writing it anyway. Julia, stop talking to your readers. They don’t talk back.

  First though, I’ll do a quick summary of the episode. Ben and Lauren decide to have a combined bachelor and bachelorette party in Las Vegas. It is populated with so many bachelor alum to the point where you know producers decided who was invited and not their actual friends. Eventually, the guests find out that Ben called the wedding off and it gets awkward. But, have no fear! The end of the season is here! This means that by the end of the episode Ben comes around and tells Lauren that he wants the wedding to be back on. 

   Also, a little news for you guys. Grant and Lace, the couple from Bachelor In paradise that has been heavily featured on this show, have broken up. For those who read my Bachelor In Paradise blog, I predicted that these two would break up very quickly and be the first of those couples to be broken up. I’ll take my “I was right” money in cash.  It will go to my annual charity of getting me junk food to get through finals.

So now that that standard part of the recap is done (as I told you it wasn’t much to go over), I want to talk about the season as a whole.

The Good:
. The overall plotline of Ben getting cold feet and the emotional issues that caused for Lauren was spot on with how it happens for most couples. The struggle felt real. It was just overdone when it was the focus of almost every episode. We need to see the good of the relationship as well, and that suffered.

. Both Ben and Lauren come off as decent people that are enjoying the opportunities that come to them instead of being explicitly fame hungry. The shots of Ben at work did a good job showing that.

. When the show incorporated humor that did not have to deal with bachelor alum, it could be pretty funny. I thought the prank scenes were cute as well as Ben trying to dance when he sucks even worse than I do.

The Bad:
. The scriptedness was pretty hard to deal with. Obviously, all reality shows are scripted to some degree. However, this show did not even bother to hide when those instances were. Of course, JoJo called right when a mariachi band starts playing. Of course Ben “bought” Lauren a fiat when she was mad at him. I bet it wasn’t that they wanted a sponsorship at all…. Of course they just happen to meet an elderly couple that went through the exact same communication issues as them to convince them not to break up. At times it was eye roll inducing and I don’t want to have to be annoyed by the show I am trying to be entertained by.

. The Bachelor cameos. Okay, look I love The Bachelor shows. The alum are entertaining. But, seeing an alum every episode took away from the actual show and felt forced. We did not need to see the twins almost every episode. Grant and Lace should never have been featured when neither Ben nor Lauren were close to them. The cameos ended up not being special because you expected one every episode.

. Each episode felt the same. The circumstances from every episode might have varied a bit, but the format was the same. They start off happy. They talk about the wedding. They fight. Then, some special event occurs. This event causes them to realize they want to stay together. The end. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. The show needs to vary things up. Repetitiveness works on The Bachelor because it is a competition show. You expect the dates and then the elimination. A reality show about a couple’s lives should not have the same issues every episode.

  There it is. My thoughts on how the show could improve should they receive a second season. I appreciate everyone who has read my recaps for this show over the season. My Survivor recaps should continue until its finale in December. Expect Bachelor related blogs to resume in January when The Bachelor premieres. I’m currently working on a format for how I will write those blogs so don’t hesitate to let me know if you have an area you would like me to focus on.

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